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Are You Ready to UnBlock Yourself?

Together, we can make this happen.

I'm here to support you in coming home to YourSelf.  When we are truly safe to land and live from our grounded, receptive, embodied self clarity - wisdom and possibility emerge.  Now everything changes!

This work is deeply personal and highly practical. That's why I've curated my UnBlock YourSelf Program to be individualized to support you to gain clarity around what's really going on in the background, beneath the places you're stuck. We work with select processes and tools to best support you to alchemize and release the underlying blocks, unleashing your Soul's passion and purpose! Select either a 3 -or- 6 month immersive private engagement.  


This container isn't for everyone.  It's an invitation to step into profound new relationship with your deepest being, catalyzing your clarity, freedom and growth.

My role is twofold. First, to provide a safe and sacred facilitated space in which you can break free; and second, to cultivate the space and energetics for your essential-self to come forward!  Bring your BIG dreams, gifts, visions and goals!  There’s no need to do it on your own.  In fact, for what’s now required, we can’t do it on our own! 


If you're ready to UnBlock YourSelf, unleashing the potency, wisdom, exquisite beauty and creativity of your Soul's unique expression, we should talk.  Together, we'll alchemize your unique lasting change, in both your inner world and outer world!

Schedule an Exploratory Call

Curious about working together?  

Meet Angela

Angela brings a refined depth of capacity, receptivity and discernment to her work. She weaves a unique blend of skills as a facilitator, medicine woman, guide and coach.  With over 30,000 hours of direct experience in training, practicum, client sessions and immersive ceremony work at the leading edge of trauma informed, transformational growth, she is uniquely equipped as a catalyst to support clients in unblocking themselves.  All those old patterns and beliefs are waiting to be liberated into gifts! 

Transformational Arts:

Altered States of Consciousness (ASOCs)
Shadow Mastery (dark & light)

Psychedelic Guide & Integrative Coach

Energy Models, Methods & Tools

Shamanic Studies

ART - Authentic Relating Training

Integrative Trauma Resolution:

Deep Embodiment Modalities

Somatic Awareness & Art Processing

Identity Development (IoPT)

Internal Parts Work (IFS oriented)

Angela Houlas | Self Mastery Catalyst

Angela Houlas

Meet Angela

 Roth - Executive Coach

" Working with Angela is such a gift!  The word I would most use to describe what she brings to her facilitation is Presence.  She is extraordinarily attuned, attentive to all that arises in each session.  I believe Angela is capable of holding it all.  I've been able to access some very tender parts of my life, creating the space for healing them. "

Roth Headshot
Jana, Creative Director
" Angela holds a clear reflective lens and will meet you fully, wherever you may be in your journey. At last I've been able to transform the parts in myself which just would not budge, until now. "
Jana Headshot

Liz - Charitable Director

" With Angela, I've been able to explore, heal, and reclaim parts of my Self that were lost, and too painful to address on my own. "

Liz Headshot

Antony - Entrepreneur


" I’ve seldom experienced someone as present and skilled as Angela.  I came into my program with some apprehension of how a woman would be able to meet and support me in my work.  Angela showed up in spades and without any hesitancy created the space for me not only to heal and address my history with women, but amazingly found a way for me to resolve long hidden issues with my father.


I cannot recommend Angela highly enough!  She was there whenever I needed, and yet gave me all the room for the work I needed to do on my own. "

Antony Headshot

 Maria - EMdR Therapist

" Angela's programs have been a catalyst for profound change in my life. Through her well-structured approach, I've gained invaluable tools for self reflection and personal growth.  This experience fostered a deep connection with my authentic self, allowing my soul to express itself effortlessly and gracefully.  I'm sincerely grateful for Angela's guidance, the supportive and safe environment she creates, and her expertise. " 

Maria Headshot

Barbara, Architect/Fine Artist


" Through my work with Angela, I have fully embraced my power and sovereignty over my life.  I feel a deep abiding trust in my own truth. " 

Barbara Headshot

What Clients are Saying:


Get in touch!

Curious about working together?

Schedule a complimentary Exploratory Call above - or reach out below with any initial questions!

Thanks for submitting!

Angela Houlas

self mastery catalyst

This website is for informational purposes only. The sessions, workshops and programs offered are not therapy, nor a substitute for therapy. If a mental disorder is identified during coaching, referral will be made to a licensed mental health professional.  The information offered in sessions or consultations is in no way intended to encourage or condone the use, sale or transfer of any illegal substances and is not intended to encourage, or condone any unlawful activities. 

© 2024 Angela Houlas | Self Mastery Catalyst, All rights reserved.  Portrait Photography by Skylit Photography Design
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